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Iran v Saudi Arabia is NOT our problem

War is a drug and America is addicted. We do not need more war we need more peace. We cannot afford this potential war both financially and morally. If we get suckered into a war with Iran it will not be quick or easy and the narrative will fit right into the fundamentalist recruitment playbook; America at war with another Muslim country for oil. This is the time where TRUE American leadership could push back at Saudi Arabia, you know the same country who butchered an American journalist with impunity last year. There is consequences for your actions, now you…

Silent Majority

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WE-WRITE of the Constitution of the Unite States of America.

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Intro to the Philosopher King

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Introducing the Philosopher King: A Vision for Unity and Progress

In a time of political polarization and division, the concept of the Philosopher King emerges as a beacon of hope and a call for unity. Inspired by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, who believed that wise philosophers should rule to achieve the highest good for society, the Philosopher King idea is a non-partisan philosophy aimed at bridging the gap between conflicting ideologies and addressing pressing issues. Five years ago, I began developing the Philosopher King idea but refrained from introducing it to the public, recognizing the fragile state of American politics and the lack of readiness among people to…