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DemocRATS AKA the far left

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Daily Round Up

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1000 days of…

Syria controversy and 1000 days of… The divide is widening Cold Civil War is upon us time to decide who are we…

Silent Majority – City’s on Fire

   The dormant silent majority is letting a fringe ruin our country. Make no mistake the right and the left have no idea what this country needs but until we stand up and learn to vote them out we will all continue to lose. 2 party politics is at the root of this problem only when the silent majority becomes active and kills 2 party politics can we grow and move past this horrible chapter in American history…

The Call – Ukraine

I break down the lies and spin that the Republicans and Russian propaganda machine will use to confuse people in this very simple truth. It ends with the King breaking down how the Democrats can make political hay using this Impeachment to their advantage or subsequently how they can lose the potential political capitol to be had here…